第六屆 CocoaHeads Taipei Meeting

時間:3/13 星期四晚上七點到九點半

地點:優仕咖啡(台北市八德路一段 15 號 2F)

The next CocoaHeads: Thursday March 13, 2008 07:00 PM CST at Youth Cafe (#15 Bade Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan).

這次的聚會預定由 Three-Headed Monkey 的成員鄧鎮海先生主講,若有時間,yllan 也會和大家分享一些在 Leopard 上的小發現。

按照慣例,我們會交換一下彼此的近況,若您有什麼進行中的 project,非常歡迎您來秀給大家看,也可以獲得一些意見。歡迎您的到來!

This time Cen-Hai Teng from Three-Headed Monkey will talk about their experience on Cocoa developing. If time is allowed, yllan will also shared his discovery on Leopard.

As usual, members of CocoaHeads will share what we’ve learnt or worked recently. If you have any project or book review, it’s always welcome to show us. You’ll get live feedback and suggestions. See you there!


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~ 2008/03/13 21:30(+0800) 販売終了
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