第四屆 CocoaHeads Taipei Meeting

時間:12/13 晚上七點到九點半
地點:優仕咖啡(台北市八德路一段 15 號 2F)

The next CocoaHeads: Thursday December 13, 2007 09:00 AM CCT at Youth Cafe (#15 Bade Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan).

這次的聚會主題預定由 Yllan 及 Lukhnos 分別簡介 Cocoa 的兩大基礎:AppKit 和 Foundation。若有時間,我們還可以聊聊對 Interface Builder 3 的愛與恨以及從 UNIX 或 windows 跳船必備的一些跨平台小祕訣。

Yllan will once again host the meet-up and share his survival tips on Interface Builder 3, and will also give us a talk on AppKit development basics. As a back-up topic, lukhnos will talk about the basics of Foundation (and also CoreFoundation) and some cross-platform tips for people who come from UNIX and Windows platforms.


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